Welcome to the 180 impact


Our mission

We give tools , techniques and resources to help first responders overcome burnout, anxiety, depression and PTSD so they can live their life with strong mental and emotional health and purpose.

let’s work together

We offer a variety of services to help others become their best selves

EMT First Responders

It has been discovered that 72% of EMTs are sleep deprived while 36% of them have openly admitted to suffering from depression.

Police Officers

According to current studies, police officers are 3X more likely to die by suicide than they are to be killed in the line of duty.

First Responders

Unfortunately 30% of all first responders develop behavioral health conditions such as depression, anxiety and PTSD.

Our Services

The right of bang

There are a countless number of mental health awareness training courses available for first responders. Often, attendees leave these classes feeling incomplete with no prescribed tools to begin their transformation. The instructors in this class will provide firsthand experience with knowledge, tools and techniques that aim to address personal and professional burnout to overcome mental health obstacles typically associated within the profession.  Students will be able to apply these tools to their everyday life and social interactions.  The…

private coaching

Aaron utilizes the Flight Assessment, which is a tool that determines your default preferences and behavior patterns in dealing with the four main areas of our lives in which we operate. The four areas consist of: Problem solving, pace, people and procedures/systems. We break down each for the client so that they can become self-aware of their strengths and potential weaknesses when operating in both their personal and professional lives. By being aware of how we operate and behave, we are able to adjust in our personal lives, careers …

Deep dive coaching session

This Deep Dive session is a step above a strategy call.  If you're ready to dig deeper into your strengths and how you can use them in your personal and professional life, this is where the rubber meets the road.  During this session, we go through your profile and pick the area of most importance to you based on your assessment.  We will  go over strengths and possible limitations in this area and put action steps into place to ensure you are on the right track.  You will walk away from this session with clarity and the self-awareness needed to take your life to the next level…