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Right of Bang

Available in 4hr and 8hr blocks. This class is MCOLES approved

Aaron Smith and Tyler Sutherland have been teaching and training first responders and civil servants about the mental health impact of the job for the last several years.  Utilizing research based and scientific tools, techniques and experiences from their own lives both personally and professionally, this class brings a unique vulnerability not found in any other training program of its kind.  Right of Bang shows us how the job impacts us mentally, physically, financially and in our personal relationships.  Aaron and Tyler also share what the fallout looks like when we become burned out, depressed and suffer from the all-too-common lifestyle that many of us suffer in our careers, including: alcohol abuse, drug addiction, depression, divorce, domestic abuse and suicide.  This class then provides tools, techniques and resources to turn your life around and get back to living healed, healthy and full of purpose


There are a countless number of mental health awareness training courses available for first responders. Often, attendees leave these classes feeling incomplete with no prescribed tools to begin their transformation. The instructors in this class will provide firsthand experience with knowledge, tools and techniques that aim to address personal and professional burnout to overcome mental health obstacles typically associated within the profession.  Students will be able to apply these tools to their everyday life and social interactions.  The instructors will break down practical components they can utilize to begin rewiring negative thoughts into positive thoughts, behaviors, and habits. 

As first responders and civil servants, we become well educated at the beginning of our careers in how to mentally prepare for performance and to overcome adversity, known as the “The Warrior Mindset”. As the years pass, however, negative work experiences compile, personal life stressors increase, and the job changes us. Without knowing it, we lose our identity and become the victim, blaming everyone else for our downfall. We will show you how to become self-aware of your emotions and to prevent yourself from falling prey to the victim mentality.  

In the beginning you accept the challenge of helping people and making the world a better place with a warrior mindset. But after time, in the field of public service, you become jaded, resentful, and frustrated as you see the heartbreak of humanity play out in front of you. Your emotional backpack begins to overflow, and negative thoughts and emotions become the standard operating procedure for your life. The instructors in this class will share their own emotional and mental fallout created by the job. 

30-45 Minute Strategy Consultation

Turn your self-awareness into self-mastery with the Flight Assessment.  Discover your superpowers, master your strengths, and learn the limitations that may be holding you back.  Take control of your life and emotions and become the absolute best version of YOU!

Deep Dive Coaching Experience (1-1.5 hours)

This Deep Dive session is a step above a strategy call.  If you're ready to dig deeper into your strengths and how you can use them in your personal and professional life, this is where the rubber meets the road.  During this session, we go through your profile and pick the area of most importance to you based on your assessment.  We will  go over strengths and possible limitations in this area and put action steps into place to ensure you are on the right track.  You will walk away from this session with clarity and the self-awareness needed to take your life to the next level.

Ongoing / long term coaching program

Our goal at The180Impact is to get the client to the level of success that's desirable to them. Each client and team is unique and in many cases several sessions are needed. We discuss further coaching during the deep dive session as each goal and experience is designed specifically for you. There are several factors when considering a longer term coaching program so we ensure that we take the time with the client to discuss this before beginning. We don't offer a one-size-fits-all program for our clients because your success is too important for a specific timeline.